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10 років на ринку іміджевої книгиimage
Розповсюдження книг в Україні і за кордономimage
Інформація з сайту займає високі рейтинги в пошуковій системіimage
Кожна наша книга є подарунковим виданнямimage
Підготовка іміджевих книг для органів державної владиimage
Успішна співпраця з провідними вищими навчальними закладами Україниimage
Більше 3000 замовниківimage

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Logos Ukraine Publishing House

Logos Ukraine Publishing House was founded in 2006. The team included professionals with decades of publishing experience. In a year Logos Ukraine Publishing House reorganized and with new assets and projects continued successfully to fulfill goals set before it and steps confidently to success. Today honored journalists of Ukraine, famous designers, writers and talented managers who have years of experience in cooperation with customers work on publishing projects.

Publications of Logos Ukraine

are featuredby high quality of printing and design originality, each book is a gift edition.

Logos Ukraine Publishing House

provides prepress and printing of jubilee and image editions.
The goal of Logos Ukraine Publishing Houseis opening the names of prominent Ukrainian to broad masses of population, representation of Ukraine as a developed European country in the international area.